– professional Architectural CAD contractor, providing drafting services for UK, USA, Norway, etc.
Outsourcing CAD services is not only mutually beneficial, but also a very cost-efficient, time-saving and modern way to work and achieve great results.
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Architectural drafting services
Developing custom Archicad objects
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
BIM modeling services from point cloud
Architectural Drafting Services
Archicad model from point cloud
Exterior house Corona render
Modeling from point cloud
Building 2D section drawing
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Developing custom Archicad objects
Architectural renderings, visualizations
Computer aided 2D drafting
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Architectural Drawings for planning application
Traditional UK Architecture model by Archicad
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Developing custom Archicad objects
Day Architectural visualization
Architectural visualization of hytte
Exterior house Corona render
Drafting interior details ( keynoting )
Architectural hytte evening render.
Archicad model from point cloud
Interior day Architectural render
2D Archicad detail drafting
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Exterior architectural rendering
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
Archicad, 3DS MAX and corona render
Archicad terrain modeling
Paper to CAD detail conversion services
Archicad model from point cloud cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
House model for UK architects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Evening interior render with Maxwell
Bath interior render with 3DS MAX and Corona
Developing custom Archicad objects
Exterior house Corona render
Traditional UK Architecture model by Archicad
Archicad model from point cloud cloud
Archicad model from point cloud cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Traditional UK Architecture model by Archicad
Developing custom Archicad objects
Exterior house Corona render
Modeling from point cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Bath interior render with 3DS MAX and Corona
Modeling from point cloud
Drafting room elevations ( keynoting )
Developing custom Archicad objects
Bath interior render with 3DS MAX and Corona
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Exterior house Corona render
UK house model by ArchicadTeam
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
RenderExterior house Corona render sample 01 (1)
Norwegiant Architectural rendering
2D Apartment building plans
Arkitekt tjenester - Hytte Tegninger
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Exterior architectural rendering
Facade rendering of Archicad model
Archicad model from point cloud cloud
Archicad model from survey data
US exterior renderssample 04 (1)
Modeling from point cloud
Morning interior render with Maxwell
Drafting section for AIA project
BIM modeling services from point cloud
Architectural hytte day rendering
Archicad model from point cloud
Modeling from point cloud
Architectural drafting / section drawings
Developing custom Archicad objects
Tekla, Archicad MEP modeling
Archicad, 3DS MAX and corona render
2D Architectural detail drafting
2D Cad Drawing of 3d architectural model
CAD contractor ( terrain BIM modeling )
Developing custom Archicad objects
Developing custom Archicad objects
Modeling from point cloud
Evening Architectural visualization
Archicad model from point cloud cloud
Developing custom Archicad objects
Interior project visualizations
Architectural drafting services
Developing custom Archicad objects
We provide an up-front quotation on the complete project so you’ll know the total cost without any surprises. If the project is open-ended then the standard hourly rate will apply. Either way, you are in control of the cost up-front, so no surprises.
Our work is based on fair price policy and prices are of local Lithuanian hourly rate. Besides, we do not require down-payment and charge you after first week of work only if you are happy with the result and want to continue working with us further.
Secondly, for a low cost you can get QUALITATIVE SERVICE. All Team4bim drafters have a university degree in architecture and most of them are licensed architects. Moreover, for three consecutive years (2012-2014) Credit Bureau “Creditinfo”has acknowledged us “the strongest in Lithuania”. It is the confirmation to our business partners that we are a reliable company. What is more, we work only with legal software and can ensure our clients that the BIM service that they use are reliable with up-to-date information and all the changes, alterations and additions are updated as part of the ongoing Building Information Model. Also, we are constantly investing into the newest version of legal software and at the moment we are capable to provide services with all versions of Archicad and newest version of Revit.
Finally, during our cooperation you will get GOOD ACCES TO COMMUNICATION. Daily direct contact with drafters will help to discuss all details and achieve good results. By using Skype or any other online meeting solution you will be able to directly communicate with your drafters or even to the drafting unit (up to 8 drafters) on daily basis to keep up with the drafting progress. Also, we are only few hours flight away from any European country, so if there is a need for a face to face meeting and discuss things, we can easily arrange it.
Beside the mentioned, it is important to emphasize that outsourcing helps to gain a competitive edge in the market. Choosing such kind of cooperation you can surpass competitors who have not yet realized the benefits of outsourcing. So, taking everything into account, outsourcing gives a lot of opportunities and choosing Team4bim for such kind of cooperation can lead to mutually beneficial partnership.